This draft should consist of a professionally appropriate business letter addressing the senior management members of your company.

    November 2, 2022

Overview: This milestone will be a draft of the first part of your final submission, the cover letter. The expectation of this assignment is for you to submit a fully fleshed out version of the cover letter as you would turn it in for the final submission. You will receive feedback from your instructor regarding the cover letter. Implement this feedback into your final version of the human resource strategy proposal.
Prompt: This draft should consist of a professionally appropriate business letter addressing the senior management members of your company. The letter should briefly introduce the intent of your proposal and should detail the various parts that are to come (the proposal itself and how you would implement the proposal should it be approved). The letter should also use information and evidence supporting your plan that would excite your target audience into reading your proposal.
Guidelines for Submission: The cover letter should be concise (one to two pages). It should follow professional industry standards and include all necessary elements that one would find in a professional cover letter. Sources should be cited according to APA style. The document should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements               Proficient (100%)             Not Proficient (0%)         Value
Appropriate Audience   Submits a draft of an introductory cover letter appropriate to address the senior management of the company by deadline            
Does not submit a draft of an introductory cover letter appropriate to address the senior management of the company by deadline             
Outline Content               Introduces the intent of the proposal and the various subjects to be discussed (the proposal itself and how it would be implemented should it be approved)          
Does not introduce the intent of the proposal or the various subjects to be discussed (the proposal itself and how it would be implemented should it be approved)Supporting Evidence    
Uses properly cited information and evidence supporting plan that would excite target audience into reading the proposal               
Does not use properly cited information and evidence to support the plan that would excite target audience into reading the proposal Articulation of Response   
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization   Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 

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