Those who stand against MSG wrongly claim that it is the source of some very serious health outcomes.

    November 5, 2022

stand against MSG

Paraphrase the following passages using narrative in-text citations:
Those who stand against MSG wrongly claim that it is the source of some very serious health outcomes. And yet that misinformation has spread worldwide. In the U.S., MDLinx, an informational platform for health-care professionals, still refers to MSG as a “notorious excitotoxin” that leads to brain damage. Then there’s Atchayapathra Foods, a healthy meal home-delivery service in India that shares an anti-MSG informational page warning about everything from “sleep-disordered breathing” to cancer. There are articles published as recently as 2017 that still warn that regular consumption of MSG can lead to a lower IQ. In fact, three years ago, the Supreme Court of Pakistan banned both the sale and import of what was referred to as “Chinese salt.”

from Frankie Huang’s (2021) article, “We Can’t Talk about MSG Without Talking about Racism,” for Men’s Health magazine.

Use APA 7 formatting.
Use your own words to paraphrase the key idea(s) in each passage.
🚨 Use narrative in-text citations to give credit to the authors. I recommend reviewing the learning resource below, “Using the Ideas and Words of Others.”
Use clear and objective language so that your paraphrases do not include your opinion.
Use correct grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure so that your audience can clearly understand your paraphrases.
🚨 Include APA Reference entries for all source used in this assignment.


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