PART 1 Initial Post Instructions (about a page) (discussion post)

    September 15, 2022

Anatomy and Physiology II
PART 1 Initial Post Instructions (about a page) (discussion post)
Claire wakes up to her alarm sounding. It is time to get ready for school. She stands up out of bed, stretches and walks to the bathroom to take a shower. Before getting in, she checks the water temperature. After her shower, as she is getting dressed she begins to salivate at the smell of the breakfast her roommate has made for the both of them. List the divisions of the nervous system that are involved in each of these actions.
A 30 year-old female with multiple sclerosis (MS) has come for their routine check up with her neurologist. Her first signs and symptoms several years earlier. The symptoms were not concerning as it was only tingling sensations that were a mild discomfort. Those feelings also went away. It became worrisome when the sensation transitioned into pain and tingling. She began to lose coordination during each cycle, and over time she never fully recovered from the previous flare.
Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.
1. What cellular structure is degenerating and rebuilding in MS?
2. Does this explain the progression we see with the signs and symptoms? Explain why.
3. When there are issues with the neural tissue like this, they will often look into the eye. Why?
4. Here are three early symptoms. that we might see in MS. Assign them to whether they are a part of the sensory, motor or autonomic nervous system. Afterward, try to describe how MS would cause these symptoms.
o Dysarthria
o Paresthesia
o Constipation
Week 2 Nervous System-Introduction 
Learning Outcomes:
· Organize the NS into structural and functional divisions
· Locate and identify the cellular components of nervous tissue
· Explain the formation of the resting membrane potential and the action potential, and the propagation of the action potential to form a nerve impulse.
· Explain the factors involved in the transmission of an action potential from one neuron to another in the synapse.
The nervous system is a vast network of neurons that act as a communication system throughout the body. The structures of the nervous system include the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Today you will explore its organization and cellular components. You will also explore the physiology of action potentials that allows communication via electrical impulses.
Part 1: Complete the activities in Anatomy.TV Nervous system: Introduction, Organization, Nervous tissue, Action Potentials, Synapses
To access Anatomy.TV: Resources tab>Library>Library Resources-Database A-Z>Anatomy.TV>Titles(default tab): Choose Nervous system>choose assigned sections
You will work through the material and activities by scrolling down on the right. This will allow you to see and work through all activities for that section.
Keep the lab report with you as you complete the activities to record data.
Part 2: Complete the lab report.
Nervous System Lab Report
1. List the components of the central nervous system vs the peripheral nervous system.
(1 point; ½ point each)
2. Compare and contrast the following parts of the peripheral NS utilizing the chart: (3 points; 1/2 point each)
Control (Voluntary or Involuntary)
Effector Organs
Somatic NS
Autonomic NS
Enteric NS
3. Label the neuron with the following terms. (½ point each for 2 ½ points)
Axon, hillock, myelin sheath, soma, dendrites

3. Name the 3 distinct phases of an action potential. (1 point each for 3 points)
4. a. What is myelin? (½ point)
b. What is its function in the myelin sheath? (1 point)
5. What is the general function of neuroglia?  (½ point)
7.  a. Which neuroglia provides the myelin sheath in the CNS? (½ point)
b. Which neuroglia provides the myelin sheath in the PNS? (½ point)
6. When an action potential reaches the presynaptic axon terminal it will lead to depolarization of the membrane triggering opening of voltage gated calcium channels.
What will result from the increase in calcium in the presynaptic axon terminal?
(See synapse tab) (1  ½ points)
7. How does the CNS interact with the PNS? (1 point)
Part 1
Complete Anatomy.TV lab activities
Part 2
Complete   lab report
Complete   all lab activities


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