Sample DP and Rationale Essay
September 15, 2022
Read Jerry’s Working DP and Rationale Essay. These samples are drafts only; they are not in final form. There may be some issues in the dp and rationale that need to be addressed.
In order to understand the context of this student’s (Jerry’s) dp and rationale essay, you will need to read:
the Undergraduate Area of Study Guidelines for the Interdisciplinary area of study
SUNY General Education Requirements
As you read, assume that you’re an academic review committee member charged with the responsibility of making sure that Jerry’s degree is valid. You may want to ask the following questions as you analyze this draft:
Does Jerry’s information about goals, and his research and evidence about his course choices and degree design, convince you that he created an academically-valid degree?
Does the title of the degree/concentration reflect the actual contents of the degree?
Does the rationale essay clearly set the context for understanding the degree by discussing goals, and do they show how the degree will actually help Jerry achieve those goals?
Does the degree have an overall design that is addressed implicitly in the choice of components in the degree plan and explicitly in the essay? As part of this discussion, does the rationale essay address progression, integration, and breadth?
Does the rationale essay clearly discuss and address the ESC Area of Study Guidelines and any relevant professional expectations for degrees in Jerry’s area? What evidence does the essay use to support how academic and professional expectations are addressed?
Is the essay well-written with 1) a beginning, middle, and end; 2) clear and correct language; and 3) documentation as needed?
As a member of an academic review committee, what other questions would you raise, if any, given what the guidelines state and what Jerry offers? What feedback would you provide to Jerry?
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