Group Observation

    September 15, 2022

Please view the following Yalom video on the National Louis Library website
Link to Yalom Inpatient Group Session
Report on the following (note there is one extra criterion):

Analyze the current stage of the group and what you believe would be needed in order for the group to function more effectively.
Characterize the type of group session led: i.e. what issue or process occurred as the focus of the session?
Detail what group counseling theory was being applied in the group session.
List or describe techniques that were employed by the group leader during the session. E.. Identify whether the desired group outcomes occurred. Explain how the group leader’s behavior influenced these outcomes.
Reflect on future directions for this group (i.e. possible next sessions).
Describe any crisis management techniques that occurred during the session.
Compare and contrast the first group and the second group in terms of group leadership style. From your observation of group leaders and group dynamics, what worked, and what did not work.

Your final product should be a 3-4 page Word document using a minimum of 2 scholarly sources. Be sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the most current APA format.
WA Grading Criteria:
CO: 2, 3, 6

Assignment Components
Max Points


Analyze the current stage of the group and what you believe would be needed in
order for the group to

Analysis identifies and justifies why the group is believed to be in its current stage. Analysis recommends and justifies strategies to function more effectively.

/8 pts.


function more effectively.

Characterize the type of group session led.

The type of session is accurately identified. Issues or
processes occurring as a result of the focus of the session are clearly described.

/4 pts.

Detail what group counseling theory was being applied in
the group session.

The group counseling theory identified is justified with clear examples.
/4 pts.

List or describe techniques that were employed by the group leader during the

Identification of group counseling theory is supported with examples of strategies/techniques used relating to the theory.
/8 pts.

Identify whether the desired group outcomes occurred.
Explain how the group
leader’s behavior influenced these outcomes.

Identification of coverage of group outcomes is accurate and justified. The effect of the group leader’s actions/behavior to the outcomes is clear.
/8 pts.

Reflect on future directions
for this group.

Future needs of the group are recommended and justified
based on the current structure and behaviors of the group.

/4 pts.

Describe any crisis management techniques that occurred during the session.
Relevant techniques used to manage and crisis are accurately explained.
/8 pts.

Compare and contrast the first group and the second group in terms of group
leadership style.

Relevant similarities and differences between groups are described. Strategies that worked/did not work are identified and explained.
/8 pts.

Academic Writing

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling,
grammar, and punctuation.

Written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements.
/8 pts.

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