A day in the life of a Global Leader

    September 15, 2022

Complete the case study “A Day in the Life of a Global Leader” on page 374 in your textbook.
Grades will be determined based on how the case study is introduced (including characters and problem), discussion questions are addressed, and solutions are offered and discussed. Answering the case questions involves identifying relevant facts from the case, applying the chapter concepts learned, and fully addressing each question.
APA formatting is required (cited sources, abstract, reference page, etc.).  Supplement and synthesize the analysis with outside scholarly research.  For online help related to proper APA formatting, click the hyperlink.  Additional APA resources are also available in the Student Toolbox.
Students should not type the question and simply answer in any type of bullet or numerical form.  The submission should be a properly formatted APA style paper; anything less will receive a zero (0) grade.
Case Study is attached 

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