For the first piece of your signature project you will locate
September 15, 2022
For the first piece of your signature project you will locate a professional publication in a professional (not student), psychology or psychological journal that was published in the last 5 years. Then you will create an APA reference following the formatting shown below for that article. This is the first step in a semester long project, that will culminate in a written APA article critique, be sure to select an article in which you are interested, and that you are able to understand (do not select articles that are written in a lot of jargon or that are too technical for a nonprofessional. Again, the following rules should apply: The article must be available on one of the El Centro College Library Database (preferably Academic Search Complete), the entire text of the article must be available, it must be a journal article from a professional psychology related journal and must be available in English, it also must be published within the last 5 years.
To put together your reference page, you will need the following information, names of the authors (last names and first initials only – no first names), year of publication, name of the journal article, name of the journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers, and the doi number. If you cannot locate all of these choose a different article, but most professional articles will have all of these available. Pay close attention to the powerpoints on APA style and to the instructions on the template. It is essential you follow the instructions exactly.
Follow the instructions I gave in class, and the attached template, do the first page and the last, pay attention to the details and instructions.
Use the attached template to construct your reference, note you will only be using the first page and the last page, do not make changes on the middle pages at this time.
At the end of the semester, your paper will contain the following:
Cover page
Abstract page
Introduction (at least one full page)
Summary (at least two to three full pages)
Critical Analysis (at least one full page)
We will work section by section throughout the semester, this assignment only deals with the first and last pages. You must find your own article, two people cannot work on the same article at the same time.
Formatting will not be graded on this part of the assignment, but the content of your reference and title page will be graded. These are the first and last pages of the template respectively. This assignment is worth 25 points.
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