Another topic within the social psychology subfield of social influence is obedience.
September 15, 2022
Another topic within the social psychology subfield of social influence is obedience.Obedience is the impact authority can have on individual behavior. Stanley Milgram pioneered the work in obedience by conducting several studies involving an authority figure and a participant who had to administer (fake) electric shocks to a “learner.” His videotaped studies produced a sobering picture of the strength of the authority figure/subordinate relationship.
For this Discussion, review this week’s media, Milgram Electric Shock Experiment Video.Consider the conditions that occurred in the video that led to obedience, and think about instances in which obedience may be harmful.
Post by Day 4 an explanation of conditions necessary for obedience to occur. Then describe one situation in which obedience is necessary and one situation in which obedience may be harmful and explain why. Use the current literature to support your response.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and the current literature.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.
Respond by Day 7 to your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Validate an idea with your own experience.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made
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