Skills Test for Case Planner Position: Please answer all questions to the best of your ability
September 15, 2022
Skills Test for Case Planner Position: Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. The test is to determine your knowledge and thought process with the case manager position.
1. John Doe is having a rough week. Refusing to go to school most of the week and on Wednesday had to be restrained due to aggressive behaviors in the cottage. John D’s County has really been pushing Cayuga Centers for John D to go on home visits. After team Meeting it was decided that it was in the best interest for John D to not go on his home Visit this weekend. Please write what you would say in an email to the Country worker, Sarah Saunders and explain why we would believe John should not go on the home visit this weekend.
2. It has been determined that a specialized treatment team meeting needs to be set up. Please list the step you would take in setting this meeting up and who you would ask to participate in the meeting.
3. John Doe County has E-mailed you back stating that they still believe John D should go on his home visit this weekend. They are adamant it stating the need for the home visits to happen. What steps or process would you take from this point?
4. Sally Summers is having difficulties in the cottage. She has been threating to hurt herself and AWOL. Treatment team has decided they would like to try and put a 1:1 in place with the County’s approval. Please write an E-mail to the County asking for the 1:1 coverage. Remember that the County will not easily approve this so write a compelling argument.
5. A major part of being a Case Planner is being able to navigate and document in the NYS Connections System. Please explain any experience or knowledge you may have of this system.
6. One of the youth in your program was supposed to appear in Rochester City Court for a charge they had received prior to being placed at Cayuga Centers. You thought the court date was April 18th, however the actual court date was April 8th. There has now been a warrant issued for this youth’s arrest and the county worker has called your supervisor. How do you go about correcting this?
7. John Weslowski has been placed in the program for 6 months. He has made some progress behaviorally in the cottage, however continues to have difficulties attending school on a regular basis and when he does he displays negative behavior. John has told the therapist and manager that if he was allowed to join the high school basketball he would change his behaviors. You and your Tx Team do not agree on whether or not John should be able to try out. You go out on vacation and when you return, you hear that the manager and therapist allowed him to join the basketball team. How do you go about resolving this matter?
8. Your supervisor comes to you and informs you that starting today; all Connections paperwork is due on a weekly basis instead of a bi-weekly basis. You do not agree with this decision and feel that this is an un-reasonable request. Please explain how you would go about resolving this matter?
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