On the first day of class, you will be shown three articles on ecompanion
September 15, 2022
On the first day of class, you will be shown three articles on ecompanion. You are required to read Teaching ethical decision making: Helping students reconcile personal and professional values. Then, you are to choose one of two additional articles posted on ecompanion (Mandatory counseling: Clinical beneficence or malevolence? or Graduate student mental health: Needs assessment and utilization of counseling services). You will summarize the two articles that you read in this mini paper. The paper will include a title page, an abstract, a three page synopsis of the two articles, and a reference page. This paper is assigned for me to gauge your academic writing style and your knowledge of APA.
In your paper, you MUST provide an example of the following:
· In-text Parenthetical Citation (p. 174-177 APA Manual)
· Block quotation (p. 171 APA Manual)
· Direct Quote (p. 170 APA Manual)
· References page (pp. 198-224 APA Manual).
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