Cross post to discussion

    October 10, 2022

Substantial cross posts to peer response.
-This cross posts provide new or supplemental information to the original posting or raise additional areas for discussion. 
-Be sure to include at least one reference from Substantial cross posts peer response.(No not use the same reference from the original post
-This cross posts provide new or supplemental information to the original posting or raise additional areas for discussion. 
-Be sure to include at least one reference from a scholarly source. APA formatting with reference citations. References should be timely, published within the previous five (5) years.
-Discussion cross posts should elaborate upon the ideas and content found in the readings/keynotes by adding details, examples, a different viewpoint, or other relevant information. 
-The cross posts should provide original insights or responses which integrates multiple views. (Just saying ditto, I agree, or restating the original post is not considered elaboration.) 
-There should be evaluation and feedback which assesses the accuracy, reasonableness, or quality of idea, and provides constructive feedback to classmates.
-Listed below is the discussion post you must respond to in 300-350 words max. APA formatting with reference citations. References should be timely, published within the previous five (5) years. And please check for grammatical errors.
Make sure the cross post is a response and not a whole new discussion. Try to engage in a conversation while stating a new point of view that relates to the original discussion.


The Background and Significance of the CNIO
            Healthcare is a field that is constantly changing, facing new challenges, and overcoming problems with patient care; which is why technology is becoming one of the most important aspects of healthcare. Nurses are at the forefront of patient care as they spend the most time with the patient, chart, and care for patients over a twelve-hour period. The CNIO, short for the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, is a role that was introduced to healthcare facilities directly to overlook the electronic medical record, and to better optimize its use and functionality (McCleerey, 2019). The role was meant to solely manage healthcare providers use of the EMR, but new research is showing the need for a paradigm shift from the CNIO’s focus on its own EMR, to working with developers and vendors to create better programs and change weak links in the current EMR. (McCleerey, 2019).
How the CNIO Relates to Healthcare Informatics
            The Chief Nursing Informatics Officer directly relates to healthcare as the forefront of health care is based off the development of new technology (McCleerey, 2019). Documentation, research, education, and evidence-based practice have all shifted to using software, computers and cloud data storage. The CNIO overlooks the technology adopted by facilities to better optimize patient care and time management in healthcare and will soon move on to helping developers create better software that focuses on patient care rather than time optimization (McCleerey, 2019). Because CNIO’s directly overlook hospital technology, they have a strong relationship with today’s healthcare system.
The Opportunities and Challenges CNIO’s Face
            CNIO’s, just like other nursing specialists, face many opportunities and challenges, but CNIO’s have a rapidly evolving job description, allowing for a variety of rewards and problems to come up. CNIO’s can change nursing for the better by implement systems that give patients better and safer care. The challenges that CNIO’s face directly relate to the new role that the must adopt: relaying information to developers and working with vendors to change and create better software and technology (McCleerey, 2019). Both the opportunities and challenges allow for a rewarding and exciting career as a nurse.
The Benefits of the Electronic Health Record on Quality and Safety in Patient Care
            The EHR help health care providers access patient’s medical history: which is an important aspect of treatment. From the EHR alone, nurses and doctors can see allergies, past procedures, scans and x-rays, and other important patient history and problems. By accessing this, providers can help to make the best decisions using evidence-based practice to give the highest quality care to patients (Sewell, 2019).
McCleerey, M.  (Winter 2019). Vendor support of the expanded role of the CNIO.  Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 23 (1), Available at

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