Discussion Resultss

    October 10, 2022

Hi, this is my research method, that was redone but the professor said that it was done incorrectly and this it is still meta-analysis which I’m guessing know she does not want
Here are something that I’ve added this time that can help you formulate the Research Method 
Click http://expertjournals.com/how-to-write-a-research-methodology-for-your-academic-article/ link to open resource.
and I also uploaded something as well 
Here’s an example of a student’s research method, the professor said it well done: 
Re: Using Cannabis As A Therapeutic Tool For Epilepsy
The data was collected using a meta-analysis methodology. The researcher summarized the results of several studies to come up with their report. The information was collected from several scientific studies and journals, synthesized and compiled. Preference was given to studies that used randomized trial method. Different studies were assessed with the main focus being on those that did experiments (lasting a month or more) and recorded results before the study and compared them with the results after the study. For this study, the case study approach was used in which the researcher collected data from past researchers and did an analysis of the secondary data. The researcher was keen to focus only on qualitative and quantitative data that was collected first hand from experiments and observations.
A meta-analysis method was preferred because it was both cost and time effective and provided deep insights on the topic of choice. During the collection of the data, a two-step approach was taken. First, the researcher identified credible sources of information relating to the topic from journals by filtering data using key words. The main key words of choice consisted of a combination of terms; “Epilepsy cure with cannabis” and “therapeutically cure of epilepsy with CBD.” After collecting studies that fitted into the key terms, the researcher then checked the year of publication with only recent studies qualifying (5 years). By reading the abstracts, relevant articles were chosen to be used as data for the study. The second approach entailed deriving data from the chosen sources, synthesizing and analyzing them to create new data. Particular emphasis was on the effects of CBD in the therapeutic cure of epilepsy by comparing the quantities and duration of CBD administration to the symptoms and effects in the patients after approximately two weeks.
 Discussion Forum: Research Methods
1. Formulate the Research Methods of your selected topic. Based on the chosen methods, please ensure that your incorporate all appropriate elements. 
2. Post your Research Methods.
3. Then, read the posts submitted by two other classmates and provide meaningful feedback for improvement.
This is mine :
Case Study: This is a qualitative research method that facilitates a close assessment of the data within a particular context. A researcher selects few individuals to be the study’s subject (Wilson, 2016). Further, this method helps the researcher to study and investigate opioid education for the youth as a contemporary real-life phenomenon. This exploration and investigation are done through an in-depth contextual analysis of a restricted events’ number relating to the subject of the study.
Phenomenology Method: This qualitative research method enables a researcher to emphasize and focus on studying individual youth’s lived experiences within the world of drugs. It will be easier to study the structure of different types of youth’s experiences ranging from emotion, perception, and imagination regarding the use of opioids. The method builds a complex account of semi-permanent awareness, spatial awareness, and awareness of a person’s experience (Qutoshi, 2018). A researcher can also describe the nature of experience just as he finds it in his experience. Thus, the method is based on a description of the lives of youths who abuse opioids as a surviving mechanism. An interpretation of the type of experience that links or closely connect with relevant features of the context in the study plays a crucial role in the research.
Under the case study method, a researcher can use documentation review as a tool for increasing validity (Wilson, 2016). Documents and data get analyzed to establish sensitive information regarding the subject of the study.
Within the phenomenology method, depth interviews are used as a tool where the respondents are less, and the research focuses on a particular issue or situation.
Qutoshi, S. B. (2018). Phenomenology: A philosophy and method of inquiry. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 5(1), 215-222.
Wilson, V. (2016). Research Methods: Design, Methods, Case Study… oh my!. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 11(1 (S)), 39-40.
What the professor said: You have again incorrectly formulated it. Your method is meta-analysis! Check the in-class practice and replicate that on your study.

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