Oral Citations

    April 6, 2023

This week’s discussion will be used as a practicum to help you perfect both oral citations and APA reference page citations. Please see Purdue Owl for more information. (reference page citations) (Links to an external site.)

For full credit on this assignment, you will need to choose TWO publications (Book, Magazine, Website, or Academic Journal) and cite both ORALLY and in APA style. (note: I am asking for a citation for the reference page, not to be mistaken for an in-text citation). Also, the sources do not have to be related to your advocacy speech topic. 

Note: This is not a recorded assignment. 

For example: I chose The Sunday London Times and The New York Times as my two publications. If I were completing this assignment, I would create an oral citation for the NYT article and a reference for the Sunday London Times article as well. 

An Oral Citation:

“Reported in the Sunday London Times of January 15th, 2012, Astrobiology may be the key in learning how life on earth could end” 

APA Reference Citation: 

Schwartz, N. (2020, October 01). Job Cuts Continue at Staggering Pace: Live Updates. Retrieved October   01, 2020, from https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/10/01/business/stock-market-today-coronavirus?action=click (Links to an external site.)

Note: The citation above needs a hanging indentation and should be double-spaced. 

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