Analyze the trio of Supreme Court cases discussed in class that dealt specifically with issues pertaining to sec. 10 (b) of the Charter: R. v. Sinclair, 2010 SCC 35, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 310; R. v. Lafrance, 2022 SCC 32; and R. v. Dussault, 2022 SCC 16.

    November 1, 2022

Analyze the trio of Supreme Court cases discussed in class that dealt specifically with issues pertaining to sec. 10 (b) of the Charter: R. v. Sinclair, 2010 SCC 35, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 310; R. v. Lafrance, 2022 SCC 32; and R. v. Dussault, 2022 SCC 16.
Briefly outline the facts of each case, state the issue(s) before the Court, and state the Court’s decisions in each. Give your evaluation of these decisions: have they clarified sec.10 (b)? Why or why not? Do you dis/agree with one or more of the decisions, and why? What do you perceive to be the impacts of these decisions on rights of the accuseds, on police powers, and on the CJS as a whole?
Use critical analysis/reasoning to analyze the decisions. Do not just repeat the facts of the case
Think broadly about the potential impacts of these cases (on the rights of accuseds, police powers, underlying values of the CJS, etc)

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