APA Formatting Style
January 2, 2023
Are you looking for help with APA formatting style? Look no further than Homeworkmaven.com đź’Ż. Get guidance on APA papers our professional experts. Contact us today to save time, meet the deadline and keep up your grades!
In this article, we’ll discuss what APA is and how to structure a paper in APA
Table of Contents
What defines a formatting style?
Five elements define APA formatting – header, title page, page following the title page, citations, reference page
APA header
What edition is the APA? Is it the 6th or 7th? But for now, we look at the 6th edition.
What are the features of an APA header?
- It has a running head = a shortened version of your paper’s title!
Example of a paper’s title: Critique of Christians on Abiogenesis
Derive a running head from a title: for example ABIOGENESIS
- the Running head is in CAPS
- Running head
- At the end of the word “Running head” put a full colon Running head:
- The words Running head on the fisrt page, but not the others
- It is flush left – 0 inches
- Page number – it is flush far right
What is common among the elements of an APA header?
- Same font style – Times New roman unless otherwise stated
- Same font size – 12, unless otherwise stated
Making a Running head in MS word – the right way and tips
- Step 1: Double-click on the heading section
- Step 2: Click or check the “different first page” check box
- Step 3: Type away the words Running head:
- Step 4: Triple-click on the words running head, once they are highlighted change the font style and size
- Step 5: Refocus the cursor just after the full colon and type in the actual running head in CAPs
- Step 6: Hit the tab key once or twice based on the whitespacÂe on the right to move the cursor to the top right
- Step 7: Insert a page number
Example of an APA Title Page:

APA Title page
What does it contain?
- Title of your paper
- Student’s Name:
- Institutional Affiliation:
- Course:
- Date:
Essential tips to note
How do you write your title?
- A good title is always in a title case – any word that is four letters or longer should start with a CAPs unless it is the first word of the title, for example, A, The, and so on
- All elements should be centered and 2/3 way off the page
APA Citations
What are citations or in-text citations?
An in-text citation or a citation is a short version of given sources from which you have drawn information. For example, if you are writing a paper on Child Sexual Abuse and draw information from a book like Sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary approach by Ersi Kalfoglu and Sotirios Kalfoglou, you must credit them for that information. Crediting this author must be done in an in-text citation.
What do APA in-text citations look like?
The syntax of APA in-text citations comprised of two things:
- Name of author
- Year of Publication
What are the types of citations in APA style?
There are three main types of citations or ways of citing in APA. These include:
- At the end of a paraphrased idea
- Inclusion of the author’s name in the paraphrased idea
- In direct quotes
- At the end of a paraphrased idea
Using our Child’s Sexual Abuse Example, we can add an in-text citation at the end of the idea we paraphrased based on what we have read in the book Sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary approach by Ersi Kalfoglu and Sotirios Kalfoglou. Our in-text citation would look like this:

- Inclusion of the author’s name in the paraphrased idea
Using our Child’s Sexual Abuse Example, we can add an in-text citation that includes the author’s name in the paraphrased idea based on what we have read in the book Sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary approach by Ersi Kalfoglu and Sotirios Kalfoglou.
Our in-text citation would look like this:

- Citing direct quotes
Using our Child’s Sexual Abuse Example, we can add an in-text citation that includes a direct quote based on what we have read in the book Sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary approach by Ersi Kalfoglu and Sotirios Kalfoglou.
Our in-text citation would look like this:

What are APA citations examples?
- Citing direct quotes
- Inclusion of the author’s name
- At the end of a paraphrased idea
Is APA citation the same as MLA?
The only similarity is that both citations have the author’s name in the parenthesis. However, in APA, the year of publication is included in the parenthesis, while in MLA, the page number is included.
For example:

APA Reference Page
- Once you cite properly, you can autogenerate the reference page using the MS Word System.
- However, you have to make sure that your sources are:
- In alphabetical order
- The second and following lines are hanging (by 0.5 inches)The word “References” is centered
- The sources are double-spaced and in automatic font color
Here is a dummy example:

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