Assignment 8: POL 338 Administration of Social Services
April 7, 2023

(Each question is worth 5 points)
From Module 9, powerpoint “Supplemental Security Income”, answer the following questions True or False
1_____ The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits.
2._____SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications.
3._____SSI is different from our Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. However, the medical requirements are the same for both programs.
4._____Whether you can get SSI depends on your income and resources (the things you own).
5._____Income is money you receive such as wages, Social Security benefits, pensions, workers compensation, unemployment benefits, and money from friends or relatives.
6._____Income also includes such things as food and shelter you get free or for less than its fair market value.
7._____You may be able to get SSI if your resources (the things you own) are worth $2,000 or less.
8._____A couple may be able to get SSI if they have resources worth $3,000 or less. We don’t count everything you own when we decide if you can get SSI. For example, we don’t count the house you own if you live in it, and we usually don’t count your vehicle. We do count cash, bank accounts, stocks, and bonds.
9._____Eligible for SSI are adults Who:
- Are age 65 and older, or blind, or have a disability.
- Have limited income (wages, pensions, etc.).
- Have limited resources (the things you own).
- Are U.S. citizens, nationals of the U.S., and some noncitizens.
- Reside in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands. It does not include Puerto Rico, Guam, or the United States Virgin Islands. Exception: The children of military parent(s) assigned to permanent duty outside the U.S. and certain students temporarily abroad may receive SSI payments outside the U.S.
10.____Also eligible are children Who:
- Are under age 18 and have physical or mental condition(s) that very seriously limits their daily activities for a period of 12 months or more or may be expected to result in death, and
- Live in a household with limited income (benefits based on need) or resources.
11._____Income is any item an individual receives in cash or in-kind that can be used to meet their need for food or shelter.
12._____Income includes, for the purposes of SSI, the receipt of any item which can be applied, either directly or by sale or conversion, to meet basic needs of food or shelter.
13._____Types of income for SSI purposes include the following:
- Earned Income is wages, net earnings from self–employment, certain royalties, honoraria, and sheltered workshop payments.
- Unearned Income is all income that is not earned such as Social Security benefits, pensions, State disability payments, unemployment benefits, interest income, dividends and cash from friends and relatives.
- In-Kind Income is food, shelter, or both that you get for free or for less than its fair market value.
- Deemed Income is the part of the income of your spouse with whom you live, your parent(s) with whom you live, or your sponsor (if you are a noncitizen), which we use to compute your SSI benefit amount.
14._____Generally, the more countable income you have, the less your SSI benefit will be.
15._____If your countable income is over the allowable limit, you cannot receive SSI benefits.
16._____Some of your income may not count as income for the SSI program.
17._____Icome that do not count for SSI are:
- the first $20 of most income received in a month;
- the first $65 of earnings and one–half of earnings over $65 received in a month;
- the value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) received;
- income tax refunds;
- home energy assistance;
- assistance based on need funded by a State or local government, or an Indian tribe;
- small amounts of income received irregularly or infrequently;
- interest or dividends earned on countable resources or resources excluded under other Federal laws;
- grants, scholarships, fellowships or gifts used for tuition and educational expenses;
- food or shelter based on need provided by nonprofit agencies;
18_____You calculate how your income affect your SSI benefit by:
- Step 1: We subtract any income that we do not count from your total gross income. The remaining amount is your “countable income“.
- Step 2: We subtract your “countable income” from the SSI Federal benefit rate. The result is your monthly SSI Federal benefit as follows:
19._____Your Total SSI Income is
– Your income that we do not count
= Your countable income
20._____Your SSI Federal benefit rate is
– Your countable income
= Your SSI Federal benefit
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1-Include your first and last names
2-Include Course’s name and Assignment’s number
3-Submitted through Canvas
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