Being Professional

    October 10, 2022

Assignment 1: Being Professional
Weight: 10%
Due date:  Tuesday August 14 at 2359 
Length: 600 words 
Feedback mode: Via Canvas 
Feedback will be provided using Turnitin’s Online marking tool and general comments. 
Learning Objectives Assessed:
1. Describe principles of professionalism in health care practice
2. Communicate relevant information clearly and appropriately.
Graduate Outcomes supported: 
1. Work ready 
2. Active and lifelong learners 
You are required to prepare a 600-word written assignment regarding professionalism and being a professional. You are required to use the template provided to structure your writing
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) is the organisation responsible for the implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. across Australia. AHPRA works with 14 National Health Practitioner Boards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in implementing the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
If there is concern or complaint about a registered health practitioner, National Boards may decide to refer a registered practitioner or student to a panel. Registered health practitioners may be referred to a performance and professional standards panels, for conduct and performance issues.
The website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  displays details of panel decisions from the National Boards, and some earlier cases will display summaries of the Panel findings.  You can also find detailed panel finding summaries at these links (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Using the links in the above paragraph, choose one of the summaries in which a finding of unsatisfactory professional performance or unprofessional conduct is made. Briefly address the following two points. You should highlight your understanding of the definition of “professionalism” by mentioning the concepts associated with “being a professional” and “professionalism” within your writing.  

Summarise the case and outline why you found it interesting. (300 words)
Through your analysis, discuss why you think the situation occurred. (300 words)

There is no need to cite other works in this assignment.
Please use the template for this assessment which can be downloaded here
Please name your file Family name_initials_Assessment_1 prior to submission.
WeightCriteriaExcellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory 4Summary of case and reason for selecting caseSummary is well structured,
summarises the key points and is within word count (150-300 words). Reason for choosing case is clearly articulated.    (4 marks)Summary is appropriately structured, but does not cover all relevant points and/or does not meet the word count (over/under). Does not clearly articulate the reason for choosing the case. (2 marks)
Summary is not well structured, does not cover all relevant points and does not meet word count (over/under). Does not articulate the reason for choosing the case.      (1 mark)
4Discussion of the finding. Discussion is well structured, shows an excellent understanding of the concept of professionalism and is within the word count. (4 marks) 
Discussion is appropriately structured, shows a partial understanding of the concept of professionalism and/or does not meet the word count (over/under).  (2 marks)                             
Discussion is not well structured, does not cover all relevant points and does not meet the word count (over/under). 
(1 mark)
2Quality of writing – includes spelling, grammar and punctuation.Excellent writing, with no more than five spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.      (2 marks)                                     
Satisfactory writing, with no more than ten spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.  (1 marks)
Unsatisfactory writing, with more than ten spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.  (0.5 marks) 

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