November 5, 2022
To what extent do you agree with the following text? Reply and elaborate on your opinion using examples and case studies. What moral obligation do bio-prospectors have to share the benefits (medical, financial, etc.) of such products with the countries from which these substances or genetic material were taken in the case where the bio-prospectors do not rely on local knowledge? What about in cases like the one described above, where bio-prospectors not only exploit biodiversity from the developing world but do so on the basis of local knowledgeespecially knowledge of indigenous people?
Regarding the first question raised, I think there are two minimum obligations bio-prospectors have:Acknowledge the role played by the country in the formulation of their product,Share the scientific findings they have gathered from their tests to the country for these countries to be aware of what the genetic material of their floras/faunas could do.It would be appreciated if these bio-prospectors allocate some of their earnings from these plants, but setting up production plants of the product in the source country would be nice, as the earnings from the production could benefit the local population employed by the plant.
On the second questions, It is a must that the bio-prospectors acknowledge the country’s role in making this product possible and that they should share the scientific findings they have on the tests made on the genetic material. Financial obligations should be also provided, such as granting financial support sourced from the profits to the country, or employing in the production some members of the indigenous people.
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