The average lifespan of an individual ranges depending not only on when they were born (i.e., your grandparents had shorter lifespans than your children do/will), but also on where you live. On the Japanese island of Okinawa, people have the longest lifespans of the entire world: men live on average to be 82 years old, […]

An important step in preparing our classrooms and curriculum is getting to know our students as individuals and building a relationship that is reciprocal and characterized by trust. Jaruszewicz (2013) discusses the importance of building individual connections, stating that Building trust requires connecting with each child on a personal level, so that they know […]

Given that people in close relationships have considerable information about their partners, it is not surprising that they can predict their relationship state and fate. However, couples are prone to “develop various mental biases that serve to promote the continuation of the relationship and buffer the intimates from the more negative aspects of a relationship” (Agnew […]

This is a CLC assignment. Your instructor will assign you to a CLC group. Megan Video Individually, view “Megan,” located on the Half of Us website http://www.halfofus.com/video/megan/ Brittany Snow Video Individually, view “Brittany Snow,” located on the Half of Us website http://www.halfofus.com/video/depression-3/ In a group essay of 1,000-2,000 words, address […]

You have been hired as a consultant for a small company that consists of about 15 employees. The owner of the company has noticed that her employees have begun exhibiting signs of stress over the past several weeks. The owner has asked you to provide a series of 3 1-hour workshops (1 workshop per week […]