1) Discuss the differences between civil and criminal courts. Is the line between these two courts absolutely definitive? If not, what types of cases might “blur the line” between both courts? Can you briefly describe a real world example where a case was tried in both courts? (3 paragraphs) 2) Do you agree with […]

In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study. You will get information about the study from one of the entries in the SPARQ “Solutions Catalog”, which is a web site maintained by Stanford University at https://sparq.stanford.edu/solutions?

Only nee dthe highlighted portion Select one psychological personality assessment instrument or inventory to serve as the basis of this assignment. Explore the psychological literature to find three to five articles that test the use of this inventory or assessment on a specific population. Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation of an in-depth examination of your selected test […]

Assignment 2: Intervening With Peer Violence Watch the following video Bullying: What Every Adult Needs to Know. Be sure to take notes as you watch as you will apply what you learn to the following questions: At times we have heard bullies say that they did not intend to cause any problems with their peers and […]

According to Newsome and Gladding (2014), Middle Adulthood (also considered generativity vs. stagnation) begins at age 40 and lasts through ages 60-65. This is also broken into two parts with the earlier ages constituting early middle life (40-54) and the later ages being late middle life (55-65). Individuals in this stage of life experience many […]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapters 8, 12, and 13 in DSM 5 Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis; Chapter 2 in Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises; Chapter 5 in The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis; all required articles; and review the PSY645 Fictional Sociocultural Case Studies document. One […]