In this assignment, you will put into effect the lessons you have learned in writing a graduate-level research paper. Resources: “Writing Process” video and Research Topic List Using your chosen topic from the Research Topic List and the outline created in Week 3, conduct research via the University Library by locating 2 to 4 scholarly articles on your chosen topic. […]

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Jongsma, Peterson,

A Classroom Plan For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the material in this course by developing a classroom plan for either an infant/toddler childcare facility or for a preschool classroom, based on Piaget’s Stage Theory. For this project, include: Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory in your own words. Identify and describe the […]

Considering that factors such as eye color, hair color, facial features, body figures, and personality characteristics are passed down from generation to generation, could criminal behavior or criminal tendencies also be passed down? Thus, is there a genetic or biological link to understanding criminal behavior? Explain how temperament (which is determined largely by genetic or […]