Submit a draft of the aftercare plan (Section III) of your final project, including all critical elements as listed in the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document. The development of an aftercare plan can often make or break an offender’s success upon release from prison or a program. Setting up your client with the best […]

Create a presentation and write-up (300-600 words) that associates psychological theory with substance use. Consider the following in your presentation and write-up: What explanation can psychology give to explain the use of substances? Be sure to include the media influences that are represented in your poster (e.g., advertisements for the drug, or PSA clips against […]

Individual Assignment Research-Based Interventions on Mood Disorders Select one of the mood disorders—major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, double depression, cyclothymic disorder, or bipolar disorder—from the Film List. Use the Research Analysis to complete this assignment. Prepare a 1,050- or more -word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology. Review and […]

The Final Project is a 1500 word (1,500 words is 3 pages single spaced, 6 pages double spaced) critical persuasive essay. Provide a cover page and a works cited page. Double space and size 12 New Times Roman font. argue for or against the propositions within that specific topic, presenting sound reasoning, evidence, and analyses. Your […]

Prior to completing this discussion, read the required Roberto (2016) article, as well as Chapter 25 from the Lerner, Easterbrooks, Mistry,