Week 1 Psychology for Life Paper Complete an interactive stress quiz located at one of these Stress Management websites: http://www.stress.org.uk/stresstest.aspx or http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTCS_82.htm Write a 500-750-word “Psychology for Life” Paper in GCU style. Please include two to three references from the readings or videos for this week. Apply appropriate citations in the body of the paper. Look at […]

COGNITION IN THE MEDIA Resources Cognition in the Media Scoring Guide. Capella Graduate Online Writing Center – APA Style and Formatting. Competencies Addressed in This Assignment This assignment addresses the following competencies: Competency 1: Apply research findings to topics in human learning and cognition. Competency 2: Apply psychology theories and concepts to human learning and cognition. […]

Model Treatment or Service Plan Using the attached template, fill in each section making sure that there is sufficient information to demonstrate the objectives are measurable, related to the identified problem or community service plan objective, and that there are included target dates. The plan must have an introduction defining the client or the community […]

What do you need to be successful in the challenging field of human services? If you ask human services professionals, most will say that there are particular values and attitudes (e.g., patience, empathy, self-awareness) that lead to successful and satisfied practitioners. For this Assignment, consider values and attitudes that you believe are most important for […]

Question: The central question in the Mind-Body Problem is whether the Mind and Body exist separately (Dualism) or if they are of the same material substance (Materialistic Monism) or non-material (Idealistic Monism). The crucial question in Dualism is how does the non-material Mind interact with the Material Body. What is your solution to the Mind-Body […]

Private and Public Agencies In this assignment, you will address the differences and similarities between public and private agencies, and their organizational structures and funding sources. This discussion will expose you to the many factors that influence how agencies function on a daily basis, from securing funding to selecting their model of service delivery. There […]