Bobo doll! This experiment is one of my favorites. Albert Bandura (still alive and at Stanford today) conducted an experiment in 1961 related to aggression and modeling. Children watched an adult beat up a blowup clown Bobo doll and then the children were observed to see if they modeled the adult’s behavior. (“Bandura […]

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages Using feedback from your professor and classmates, revise Part 1. Next, develop the solution and identify the advantages of the solution (new sections added after the revised elements from Assignment 2). Note: The disadvantages or challenges with your solution(s) will be in Part 3. […]

Present a mini proposal for a study that ONLY involves a QUALITATIVE research design. Your proposal should include the following: 1. Statement of problem. Provide a clear justification with evidence on why this study is relevant to psychology and worthy of doctoral-level study. Support your efforts using at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within […]

Assignment 2: Discussion—Evaluation-Related Issues: Aiden’s Case Approaching the issue of whether a child might have an exceptionality can be sensitive. In addition to the emotional reaction of parents, it is important to consider legal and ethical obligations when determining whether to evaluate a child. Review the following scenario: Aiden Keller is a fourth grader. Since […]

DQ1: 350 words Utilitarianism is a school of ethical reasoning based fundamentally on the notion of trying to bring about the greatest good when one makes an ethical choice. 1.Do you take this to require some conception of what “the good” means, such that it can be identified, measured, and/or calculated in a way […]