Read the “Research Areas of Emphasis in Professional Psychology”” article and select a topic of psychological research discussed in the article (e.g., evidence-based treatments, veterans/active military, multicultural issues, ethical issues, natural disasters, forensic, health, child psychology, suicide, chronic pain, rural practice, interpersonal violence, graduate/internship training and education, managed care issues, or professional roles). This topic […]

Once again, you will view a TED Talk video that is directly related to the course content this week and then reflect on what you have learned in a graded blog activity. This introductory activity helps learners to think about and explore the meaningfulness of the course content covered in the module, with a focus […]

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Taking Action In this course, you have been introduced to ethics, social problems, and social policy. This assignment will prompt action from you to help resolve a social issue. You must learn about a problem, find a piece of legislation addressing your concern, and act to help solve the problem. Using […]

For this task, you will reflect on what you have learned about research design in previous courses, the guidance above, your instructor’s feedback, and ethical and practical considerations about the kind of study needed to address the problem. Then, you will write a problem statement, purpose, and research question(s) based on the artifacts from your […]