Assignment 1: LASA II—American Positive Psychology Association Proposal This year, the American Positive Psychology Association’s (APPA) annual conference is being conducted in your area, and you are interested in making a presentation. Review the flier below. Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the positive psychology model. Then, […]

The perspective with which you view gender can influence both your experience of it and its respective psychology. When you extend your understanding of the psychology of your gender beyond your own experiences, you will begin to fully comprehend the concept of gender and its impact. Gender stereotypes are often expressed publicly but experienced personally. […]

Assignment Instructions Learning Activity D We have learned about how important it is for adults to have control over their own learning. This week you are to create an assessment based on chapters 12 and 13. This may be a multiple-choice test, a fill-in-the-blank test, or any other style of test. Create an answer sheet […]

Prior to beginning work on this week’s discussion, please review Standard 3: Human Relations in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Please also read the Asay and Lal (2014) “Who’s Googled Whom? Trainees’ Internet and Online Social Networking Experiences, Behaviors, and Attitudes with Clients and Supervisors,” Harris and Robinson Kurpius (2014) “Social Networking […]

Each student will identify a movie or television show that you believe relates to one or more of the topics of we have studied this semester, and write a paper (approximately 5-8 pages) analyzing the themes related to the psychology of women explored within the show. The student will identify the movie/TV show, write a summary […]