Watch the video, The Brain and Violence: Secrets of Your Mind. In your paper, discuss the role that brain damage, abnormalities in brain structure, and disturbances in brain chemistry may play in criminal behavior. Support your discussion with two to three scholarly articles from the Ashford University Library that discuss the role of brain dysfunction and […]

Assignment 2: Balancing Sex Offender Treatment with Community Risk The process of rehabilitation has two broad aims: helping the offender identify and change maladaptive patterns of thinking and behavior and reintegrating the offender into the community in a way that does not compromise public safety. In this module, your assigned readings have exposed you to […]

Write briefly in response to the following, using your text and one other reference (preferably from the APUS online library) and citing both in APA format. This assignment should be approximately 1200-1500 words long. Assignment 4: Single-parent families can arise due to never-married parenthood, divorce, or death. How do you think these families are similar to each […]

TOPIC is motivational behavior the class is a Physiological psychology class I have attached my annotated biblography. For this assignment you will write an 8 – 10 page paper on a topic of choice relevant to the course. This paper will include summaries and synthesis of 6 – 8 scholarly, peer-reviewed, evidence based, experimental study […]

This Term Paper will be an eight page, (2000 word), typewritten, double spaced, essay on a disorder of your choice. Topics must be approved by the professor. The paper will cover symptoms, criteria, treatment options, personal and/or historical or present day personalities identified with the disorder. The paper will include references and a bibliography. […]

Unit VIII Reflection Paper In this unit, you are going to reflect on the different sociological theories and concepts you have learned in this course and use critical thinking to evaluate those concepts and apply them to your work, home, and/or community life. Draw from the readings, videos, lectures, discussions, and assignments to help you […]