APA Assignment Instructions The main purpose of this assignment is for you to become familiar with your APA Publication Manual, how to use it, and what kind of information it contains. Before completing this assignment, be sure you have viewed and understand the APA tutorial website provided in the Module/Week 1 […]

End-of-Life Care and Social Work Practice The death of an elderly individual may occur in a variety of settings and circumstances. For example, an individual may die painlessly at home surrounded by the support of many loved ones, or an individual may suffer severe pain for months before dying in a health facility with […]

Assignment 1: LASA 2 Society’s Response to Crime Society’s response to crime has changed over the past century. The approach of rehabilitation in the 1960s has gradually been replaced with a “get tough on crime” approach, bringing in mandatory sentencing laws and long prison sentences. Regardless of the approach, crime continues to be a problem, […]

Professional Requirements in Psychology Resources · Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. · Professional Communications and Writing Guide. · Graduate Psychology Discussion Rubric. As you probably gathered from your exploration in the unit studies, professions in psychology carry a wide range of requirements and responsibilities ranging from professional credentialing, academic preparation, training, licensure, and more. Understanding the full […]

Assignment 1: Behavioral Theorists Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning. Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when teaching a […]

Leslie Snow manages a team of five help desk operators. The cubicles of the operators are located a floor below Leslie’s office. Each operator is required to log help desk calls into a team database. This database tracks the nature of a problem, the length of the call, and whether the problem was fixed or […]