As we have seen this week when looking at both psychoanalytic and neo-psychoanalytic theory, much of our mental health and success in adulthood is related to the events and relationships of our childhood. Much like Freud, Alfred Adler believed that childhood events are pivotal for the adult. For Adler, his pivotal childhood events were the […]

Begin this assignment by reading this article which raises the interesting question of whether we would have had great works of art and music without “madness”. · blogs.scientificamerican.com-Creativity Madness and Drugs.pdf (NOTE: if the link does not open I will also attach this document separately) After reading the article, write a thoughtful reflection addressing one or more […]

Identify a situation in which an individual was persuaded into a decision to engage in behavior that violated social values, beliefs, attitudes, ethics, and/or morals, such as misrepresenting a product, underreporting income on taxes, falsifying services on a billing document, taking supplies from work, or engaging in vandalism. Make it specific. Here is the situation: Bob […]

For this week’s assignment, you will complete the Background (including a literature review) and Significance sections of your grant proposal following the Grant Proposal Guidelines. See the Sample Grant Proposal Template as an example and use it as a template for your Grant Proposal. The more complete your assignment is, the more feedback you will receive for […]

ORIGINAL WORK ONLY You are hired as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a startup company, which has two branches; one Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. The company hired employees to begin working on the design of the product. As CTO, you need to explain to the Board of Directors your idea in […]

In this assignment, you will explore and apply theories of development to your personal experiences.
Description In this assignment, you will explore and apply theories of development to your personal experiences. Background Understanding theories of development is key in psychology. All people proceed through specific areas of change and growth in key areas as they go through life. Whatever path we take in life, understanding theories of development will assist […]