Assignment Details For this Discussion Board, you will write a dialogue between yourself and an imaginary Socrates. You will debate the question of free will versus determinism. Remember that the Socratic Method involves asking a series of questions to clarify key words and ideas. In your dialogue, the imaginary Socrates should be asking clarifying questions, […]

Expanded Outline with Completed Room for Community Center Proposal As we approach the end of the course, it is time start putting all the pieces together. Before starting this week’s assignment, review the instructions for the final project found in week five. Using the Community Center Proposal Template and the outline you created in week three, you […]

Create an original capstone portfolio presentation that demonstrates your core content knowledge. Presentation modalities may include, but are not limited to, Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations of 12 to 15 slides, videos, and so forth, excluding any introductory slides and the reference slides. Your presenter notes should be complete with at least 100 words per slide. Make sure that you […]

This assignment is designed to help you identify the relevance and importance in society today for a religious tradition you would like to study further. Choose one of the religions discussed in this course. Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation to summarize the key ideas of the religion you have chosen. Include the following: What are common characteristics […]

Term Paper Topic Select a topic for your term paper and submit it for instructor’s approval. Due by the end of this module. See below to learn more about your term paper. Your proposal must include: 1) a one paragraph description of the topic you wish to write about with four articles correctly cited, 2) a one paragraph rationale […]

Please write a 8 page lab report follow the instructions in the attactment. Please use at least three sources in the report. In APA format. Research Question: Does mood and sleeping quality has an impact on academic performance Hypothesis: mood has a positive correlation with academic performance. sleeping quality has an impact on academic […]