My topic: Alcohol and African Americans Instructions Research and describe the effect of alcohol on African American Identify unique problems or considerations that apply to African American Compare and contrast African American to the overall U.S. population Describe best treatment practices for specific issues relevant to African American References: Locate 7-10 journal articles or […]

By the end of Week 7, students will submit a document detailing their conceptualization of a clinically-based case, using information from the course text and the scholarly literature, and following the guidelines below. Students will report on relevant aspects of the case history and will apply key concepts from course material, the course textbook, and the […]

Part I: Construct Development and Scale Creation Choose a construct you would like to measure. Self esteem Create an operational definition of your construct using at least three peer-reviewed journal articles as references. Select and list five items used to sample the domain. Select the method of scaling appropriate for the domain. Justify why you selected the scaling method you did. […]

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Resources Discussion Participation Scoring Guide. Capella Graduate Online Writing Center – APA Style and Formatting. Multiple Intelligences

ATTACHED ARE WHAT IS NEEDED – NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE MOD. 3 Assignment 2: RA: Diagnostic Formulation Review the case given below case study (Psychological Evaluation for Jessica E. Smith) for this required assignment (RA). On the basis of the information in the case study, provide a principal (primary) and a secondary diagnosis for the […]

In this assignment, you will learn about and practice the skill of effective listening. To do this, you will listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes and body. You will begin to understand the importance of posture and eye contact to the active listening process by practicing this skill and critically […]