Assignment 1 This week’s discussion touched on changes in perception regarding psychopathology in response to shifts in societal attitudes toward specific behaviors. Now, let us look critically at treatments in general. A number of treatments for currently diagnosable disorders have been discontinued, such as trepanning and lobotomies, because they were discredited and are now […]

For this assignment, your task is to watch and reflect on an episode of “The Brain Series” hosted by Charlie Rose. Each video is about 45 min to 60 min in length and has neuroscientists and psychologists discuss how different aspects of behavior and thought are rooted in the brain. You may pick any one […]

Use this week’s reading assignments and your research to write an in-depth analysis and perspective on how the different demographic segments use and access social media. Specific groups to be addressed are Generation X, Generation Y, Millennials, Baby Boomers, and 60 market segments. Approximatey 3 pages in length, Times Roman 12pt., doubled spaced, in-text citations […]

***TOPIC: Schizophrenia After choosing a disorder, your assignment should include an examination of the following factors as they relate to your selected disorder: A description of the pathological features and clinical criteria for diagnosis The biopsychological theories of the pathology Nervous system structure(s), neurotransmitter(s), receptor(s), and pathways implicated in the disorder Possible causes (etiology), including […]