Throughout the course of your academic career, you will be asked to conduct research to support the assertions you make in papers, presentations, and projects. Sometimes getting at the material you will need is fairly straightforward, while other times the research process forces you to get a little creative in seeking out (and finding) the […]

Question 1 (Due Friday) I am stakeholder in a Fortune 50 company. You will need to build a business case demonstrating why the project is needed in one of those Fortune 50 companies that you selected and what the benefits of the project will be when completed. Sections that are usually required in a business […]

I have a full course on PSY205 on canvas. Read the syllabus nicely. Course Requirements and Policies Canvas competency – you are expected to know how to use Canvas, including uploading assignments, using discussion boards, and taking tests. If you are unfamiliar with using this program there are tutorials available to you under the Online […]

Introduction to SPSS/Frequency Details: You have previously worked with descriptive statistics. As noted previously, the most commonly used descriptive statistics are measures of central tendency including mean, median, and mode. In this assignment, you will use SPSS to enter data and answer some basic questions about the data set you entered. Then, you will use […]

Week 4 – Assignment Week 4 – Assignment Due: Jun 19, 2017, 21:58 Discipline-Based Literature Review For this discipline-based literature review, you will research peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years in the Ashford University Library on the following major perspectives of personality. Psychodynamic Behavioral Trait Learning/Social Humanistic You will utilize your […]

PMIN 511 Case Study 4 This integrative case study details a situation that could be handled in one of several ways – through pastoral care, or through pastoral counseling, or through conflict resolution. In this case, you are to: 1. First, read the case more than once. 2. Make notes or an outline if needed […]