Irina, a 13-year-old girl of Arabic cultural heritage living in Boston, Massachusetts, was brought by her parents to a hospital emergency room after an assault by a stranger. Based on her injuries, the hospital staff suspected that the attacker had also sexually assaulted the girl, but she and her parents refused medical evaluations for rape. […]

Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Understanding Others’ Cultural Practices By Saturday, July 23, 2016, respond to the assigned discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions by the end of the week. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing […]

Due to the ever-evolving technology, particularly related to the Internet and cell phones, our world is becoming better and better connected across oceans, continents, and cultures. There are many benefits to this increased connectedness. However, there are some negative effects, as well. One example is the effect that Western society is having on Far Eastern […]

Reflecting on the research that you did for your Annotated Bibliography last week, think of an area in the research that seems to be lacking or in which there is a controversy. You will do this by first coming up with an appropriate applied social psychology research question. Watch the Developing a Research Question (Links to […]

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website. Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following: Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment. Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices. Reflect on current […]

You have been appointed the vice president of the human resources department at a fictional multinational organization. It is your job to design the framework for a communications manual for this organization. The communications manual should contain best practices, company recommendations and scenarios all targeted at organizational communication. The board of directors wants to have […]