Details: Before completing this writing assignment, reread the assigned article by White and Albright, “Calling a New Generation of Leaders,” giving special attention to sections: Developing a Personal Leadership Vision, Expanding Your Educational and Experiential Credentials, and Actively Participating in Professional Organizations. Using the questions from each of these sections as a guide, write a […]

Must be a 10 page paper plus not included in the count an abstract, reference page, and cover page. APA format. 12pt. Times New Roman. Must include 11 references no wikipedia or reference books. Topic How to create a great marriage after marital issues that included suffering and difficulties in regards to absent spouses […]

21st Century Skills and Standards In this assignment, you need to think about 21st century support systems, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and International Society for Technology in Education Student (ISTE-S) standards and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. Using the Framework for 21st Century learning as a resource, you will redesign or […]

1.Research has shown that early attachment can have far reaching effects on development. The works of Bowlby and Ainsworth have illustrated the importance of early experiences with caregivers to healthy development. Your original post must be a minimum of 300 words and cite the three required sources listed above. In this discussion, address the following: In […]

Regardless of a child’s unique qualities, one thing remains the same; to improve learning and behavior, children must develop strong self-regulation skills. Read the article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), “Developing Young Children’s Self-Regulation Through Everyday Experiences.” The marshmallow experiment is a famous test conducted by Walter Mischel at […]

Discussion Board Instructions The learning theories, upon which this course is based, are actualized in the Discussion Board Forums. At the beginning of each module/week, you will choose a key term to research. You will be required to write a thread of at least 400 words on the topic, complete with page references and specifics to document the response, […]