Assignment 1: Discussion—Gender Stereotypes The perspective with which you view gender can influence both your experience of it and its respective psychology. When you extend your understanding of the psychology of your gender beyond your own experiences, you will begin to fully comprehend the concept of gender and its impact. Gender stereotypes are often expressed […]

Assignment For this task, imagine that you have been invited to your local middle school or high school to deliver a presentation on the dangers of alcohol and tobacco use. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate to attract the attention of this age group, inform them of the dangers involved, and dissuade them […]

Learning Approaches, Theory, and Practice Becoming a professional in the field of early childhood education requires you to become familiar with the various developmental theories as well as research that studies the effectiveness of various learning approaches. Throughout the last two weeks, you have learned about these different theories and approaches to learning. After engaging […]

Assignment 1: Discussion—Poverty and Discrimination Poverty and discrimination are linked as one often leads to the other and vice versa. The poor are a target for discrimination due to their circumstances, while discrimination due to ethnicity, race, or gender reduces the number of economic opportunities an individual might get. In this module, you explore the […]

DesDesign a 3 page excluding reference page typewritten case study of a person who has presented for treatment. Candidates will outline characteristics of age, gender, and marital status for this hypothetical person. All other information may be hypothetical, your own, or a combination of the two. Do not acknowledge either in your paper or to […]

Short Paper on Mill Mill famously argued that the ethical action is what leads to the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Please write an essay about Mill’s utilitarian ethical theory that answers the following questions: 1.Does utilitarian theory require us to–somehow–have certain knowledge about the future? Can we identify which […]