Social stratification is the ranking of individuals in a hierarchy of unequal wealth, occupational prestige, and power. It is a feature of society and not a reflection of individual uniqueness or differences. Stratification is a universal feature found in all societies: agrarian, industrial, and postindustrial. Furthermore, socialization and cultures reproduce stratification and transmit it from […]

Response Guidelines Respond to at least two peers, assuming the viewpoint of someone who might be reading this summary in a case file, and address the following: Did your peer present a clear and concise summary of the problem and the issues? What was presented well? What additional points might they have considered including? Mark […]

Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines are typically unavailable since very few drugs have been specifically researched and tested with children. When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages approved for adults to accommodate a child’s […]

Prior to using cognitive therapy as an intervention with a client, it is important for social workers to be aware of the current research on both the client problem and possible interventions. Based on research and professional experience, social workers should be confident about the effectiveness of the cognitive therapy intervention before they use it […]

Discussion 2: Identifying Problems On the surface, many human services cases might appear to be direct. You might look at a case and quickly identify the problem as a lack of services, missing services, or insufficient resources. With complex cases, however, a deeper look is necessary. What may appear to be a basic problem with […]

ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE PIOR EXPERIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY AND KNOW HOW TO USE APA AND SITE ALL SOURCES YOU USE THEN AND ONLY THEN PLEASE BID ON THIS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Assignment 1: Discussion—Analyzing Implications Implications of arguments can be used as tools for evaluating and assessing arguments. These can help you decide whether you want to accept […]