Psychopathy Are investigators in tune with the differences between the personalities of a psychopathic spy and a nonpsychopathic spy? If not, who else might be in tune with these types of spies? Wait, that’s us—forensic psychologists! We are the experts in psychopathy! You cannot get through a graduate program in forensic psychology without researching seminal […]

During Phase 1, each individual will submit their own idea for an innovation along with a model they find useful for evaluating its merits. Each team member is responsible for completing research on various models. While there are several models in circulation for evaluating innovations, such as The Lean StartUp Plan, NOMMAR, SNIFF, and the […]

By Day 1 of Week Five, the instructor will send you two de-identified grant proposals to review for this assignment . You will play the role of a grant reviewer by reading and giving feedback to two other students’ grant proposals (proposals will be assigned at random). The Grant Proposal – Peer Reviews Must be […]

Imagine you work for a small clinic that offers counseling. Recently, a large number of people have come in wanting to seek treatment for their depression. In order to address this need, you have been asked to create a brochure that explains major depressive disorder and its treatments. Create a six-panel brochure which does the following: […]

These are the instructions and the questions for the midterm exam. The examination will be counted for 35 points toward your final grade. QUESTION 1: (15 POINTS) TO BE WRITTEN IN ABOUT TWO AND ONE HALF PAGES DOUBLE SPACED. Compare and contrast so called “State Theory” with so called “Trait Theory: a) name two […]

Review the following scenario and identify the advantages and disadvantages that exist for each job opportunity. Use your analysis to write your “Choosing the Right Job” paper, due in Week Five. Mary can hardly believe it! Graduation day has finally arrived. This is the day she has been waiting on, for four long years. Now, […]