With so many individuals using the Internet today, the psychology of the individual, the family, the community, and the society has changed. Some might argue that the traditional psychological theories cannot be applied and therefore psychology as an entire field needs to be revamped to incorporate the impact and the application of internet technology. As […]

Grandma vs. Research Prior to completing this assignment, please read chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook view the “Endless Questions” video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. You may want to look specifically at the interactive media tools demonstrating information on theory which are provided in the Section 1.5 (within Module 1) of the […]

For 2 weeks straight, you are to engage in some stress management / relaxation technique for 10-15 minutes per day then report on your experience as explained below. Activity Begin by choosing an activity you wish to take on and engage in for 14 days. Here are some ideas: walking, jogging, stretching, bicycling, swimming, weight […]

Submit a 6- to 9-page paper that focuses on an adolescent from one of the case studies presented in this course. For this Project, complete a bio-psycho-social assessment and provide an analysis of the assessment. This Project is divided into two parts: Part A: Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment: The assessment should be written in professional language and include sections […]

Choose a social issue (sexual harassment) affecting the workplace and working environment, and develop a paper that thoroughly discusses the issue from both the workplace and societal viewpoints. Be sure to include the positive and negative aspects of the issue in relation to the workplace, society, and workers, especially the unique worker groups who may […]