Assignment 1: LASA 2—Causes of Crime Begin this assignment by selecting one type of criminal behavior that you have learned about in this course. Thoroughly analyze the possible psychological causes of the crime. Include at least four sources of literature, including at least one peer-reviewed journal article as well as lecture notes and text to support your […]

You are working in a community mental health department. The supervisor wants you to start a group for clients with drug addiction. You need to perform the following tasks: Create a flyer that will serve the following function: advertise the group to the clients in a creative way appear client-friendly to gain the interest of […]

elect a stress disorder, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, or ADHD from the Film List. Use the Research Analysis to complete this assignment. Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology. Review and differentiate the characteristics of the selected disorder and discuss the research about intervention strategies for the disorder by completing the following: Evaluate […]

DISCUSSION 1 Cognitive Development, Math, and Science Fact Sheet There are several early childhood curriculum activities that support the development of cognitive processes, science knowledge, and math knowledge. In Chapter 10 of your text, Jaruszewicz (2013) offers an explanation of these areas of development and ideas for educators and families to support these areas. […]

I need help with the below Unit 2 DBP. I have also attached a word document for easier reading of directions. Thank You Charting a Course for the Future To understand the human services profession, it is important to be able to access, not only the historical information about the field, but also current […]