Opponent-Process Theory The opponent-process theory suggests that we often experience emotions in opposing pairs such as fear and relief or pleasure and pain. When we experience one end of the spectrum, the other end is temporarily suppressed and thus we rarely experience the two at the same time. However, there are times when we experience […]

You are a supervising chemical dependency counselor at a rehabilitation hospital. Your role is to facilitate individual counseling and therapy sessions for your clients who are recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. In the midst of this, you are responsible for the intern counselors assisting you in this department. Client privacy and confidentiality are incredibly […]

In completing the assignment, please address the following questions: How would you characterize yourself? This could be your racial/ethnic identity, your social class background, your gender, your sexuality, etc. Has your identity changed overtime and if so, how? How do your identities compare or contrast with your family members’ identities? Has this difference ever caused […]

The foundations of courtship are vast and complicated, regardless of cultural practices and environments. In this assignment, you will focus on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love which depicts the relationships between intimacy, passion, and commitment. You will also explore the impact society has on each of these variables. Using the module readings, the Argosy University […]

Another topic within the social psychology subfield of social influence is obedience.Obedience is the impact authority can have on individual behavior. Stanley Milgram pioneered the work in obedience by conducting several studies involving an authority figure and a participant who had to administer (fake) electric shocks to a “learner.” His videotaped studies produced a sobering picture […]