Read the “Précis Explanation and Overview” before beginning this assignment. Write a 800-1,200-word essay on the topic of Narrative Christian Ethics. The paper will consist of two parts. Part I is the précis (pronounced “preh-si”); Part II is the critical analysis. Part I: Precis Summarize Chapter 9, beginning with the section titled “Christian Ethics as […]

Assignment: Case Presentation During your field education experience, you will interact with multiple clients. As you interact with clients and review your process recordings, you might discover that one client stands out. This may be due to the services needed or a potential case history that interests you. As a future social worker, preparing a […]

Ethical Violations—When Things Go Wrong Most complaints against clinical mental health counselors are in the areas of competence and conduct (e.g., client abandonment, sexual conduct, dishonesty); business practices (e.g., billing, reports, documentation); and professional practices (e.g., termination referrals, employment opportunities, nonprofessional relationships). Specific information regarding ethical complaints to state licensure boards, despite its obvious importance, […]

While all major developmental theories attempt to explain the growth of individuals, each theory has a slightly different perspective. Some theories emphasize environmental (nurture) more than biological (nature) influences. Some theories focus on a particular construct (e.g., cognition), while others emphasize the impact of age range in shaping development. Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory emphasizes fixed […]

Ethics and Diversity in Human Services In this assignment, you will delve more deeply into an ethical or diversity issue identified in the previous assignment by conducting a literature review. Choose one of the issues you identified and research the literature concerning that issue. Provide a literature review, understanding that you will continue research throughout […]

UNIT 4 Topic: Individual and Organizational Assessment DQ 1 Should personality inventories, integrity assessments, and cognitive ability assessments be used in the employee selection process? Why or why not? 200 Words DQ 2 How are the results from the psychometric assessments you discussed in discussion question 1 in this topic used to establish person-job and […]