Philosophy of Social Work Complete a research presentation on one contemporary social issue (for example, hunger and food insecurity, poverty and economic security, education and employment security, family structure, parenting, racial tension, legalization of marijuana, technology and the Internet, injury and pain management, military veterans) that impacts the community or a specific segment of the […]

Read the following case study and imagine that you are going to conduct a first interview with this family. Case Study: The Rodney family came to therapy because their son is a rebellious adolescent that is failing the 10th grade. The father has recently been laid off from his job as a distribution manager and […]

Assignment Instructions 8-10 PAGES (APA, NOT INCLUDING TITLE

Begin Final Exam The Final Exam consists of eight (8) Essay questions. Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion of your own understanding of the questions posed. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text author. You should be doing this often in your responses. If you use outside resources, they should support […]

BE SURE TO COVER ALL THE GRADING CRITERIA RUBRIC One of the top issues in special education is the ongoing debate of “inclusion versus segregation.” The idea of inclusion in education is that all students, no matter what disability they may have, should learn together in the same environment. Fully inclusive schools do not differentiate […]

We are bombarded by statistical information from a wide variety of sources. Much of the statistical research performed in the world is conducted with a great deal of integrity, validity, and reliability. However, there are many statistical studies that are conducted that are—whether intentionally or unintentionally—plagued by bias. As a member of society, and as […]