SCIENTIFIC MERIT PAPER Resources · Scientific Merit Paper Scoring Guide. · APA Style and Format. · Capella Library. · Capella Writing Center. · Persistent Links and DOIs. Using the research study you selected in the Unit 2 assignment, along with the course assignments for which you deconstructed your research study, write a scientific merit paper. In your paper, address the […]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in the text and review the required websites for the week including the NeuroJobs Career Center. In your initial post, discuss a potential career path that interests you in an area of neuroscience and share your answers to the following questions with your classmates: Why does […]

You have been working at the Wayne County probation office for approximately 6 months now. Your supervisor has given you your 6-month employment evaluation, which was excellent. As a result, your supervisor has informed you that he is to choose one of the probation officers on his staff of 45 to be appointed to a committee […]

Assignment 1: Discussion—A Life in Review In late adulthood, most people engage in a process of life review. They recall their life histories and recount them to others as well. As people review the important events from their lives, they create a picture of their lives as an integrated whole. The last stage of Erikson’s […]