Quiz 1 Question 1 2.0 Points In the journal article assigned to Forum 1, the authors assert that they were able to make conclusions about treatment. Correct True False Question 2 2.0 Points The purpose of the Minami et al. study assigned for Forum 1 was to evaluate the effectiveness of TAU’s delivered in a […]

TWO REFERENCES . I need this back on Friday January 26, 2018 by 10am As you respond to the discussion question this week, please document each step of the ethical decision making model. The best clinical mental health counselors are on a life-long journey towards self-awareness and multicultural competence. Throughout your journey, you will learn […]

Answers these question al pertaining to psychology provide references. 100 words or more What advantages and disadvantages can you identify on the use of the MMPI-2 or MMPI-2-RF as a tool for researching mood disorders? If the warning signs of depression are left untreated, the person may have a higher rate of […]

Assignment 1: Diversity and Families Throughout this course, you have learned about various aspects of multiculturalism. You have also been asked to critically analyze various components of culture and discuss how and whether they relate to the human services industry. In Module 5, the focus has been on aspects of diversity related to the family; however, […]

Assignment 2: Working with Diverse Populations Working with special populations in any field can present challenges that require special competencies. This is particularly true in the substance abuse field. There are many cultural factors that contribute to substance abuse and influence assessment and treatment approaches. In addition, specific demographic factors such as age, socioeconomic […]

Use scholarly sources 1. How will you frame your selected topic within your field of study and explain why you chose that topic? 2. What is the significance of the issue you have been analyzing? 3. Highlight the key points identified in your Literature Review. Write transitions between your main points. 4. […]