Study Of A Life Journey The final paper reflects a culmination of your learning throughout this course. Choose one of the following two topic categories: Your life journey The life of a historical figure, such as Florence Nightingale, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, or Muhammad Ali. (These are just examples; select your […]

Tutor Instructions: Make a reply comments to the two students’ discussion posts below. So, one reply comment about Student 1’s post, and one comment reply about Student 2’s post. Discussion topic questions Topic 1 of 1: Collaborating with other disciplines Your textbook points to many similarities and many differences between OBM and OD. The […]

Week 5 Review the Example Research Proposal provided in the course materials. Design a research study on the topic of the study selected in Week One and critiqued in Week Three. Your design should seek to resolve the limitations you identified in the study you critiqued. Your paper must address all of the components required […]

M6A1: Critical Analysis Paper The purpose of this assignment is for you to test your understanding of the key concepts that you’ve been learning about over the past few weeks. Select one (1) of the ethical issues listed below and develop a 4 page paper that will address the following: 1. Explanation of the selected […]

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to complete a literature review of the topic, using a minimum of ten scholarly references. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature […]

Now that you have broken the social issue into smaller pieces in the concept map, you will explain the connections you made and how these connections will help you better understand the issue. You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the connections between the sociological concepts and the social issue and demonstrate […]