Evaluating Professional and Popular Press Self-discovery Assessments Career counselors often use psychological assessments to assist individuals in career planning and goal-setting. There are several steps that can be helpful in the career planning process, such as conducting a self-assessment, exploring industries/careers, and determining factors that are non-negotiable (e.g., shift, location, salary, the need for specific […]

Prepare an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, Determine why studies indicate there is a higher level of mental illness in female offenders, including what factors are most significant in the higher rates of mental illness. Describe treatment plans that exist for a female offender that may be uniquely suited to the female incarceration experience. Discuss how […]

Submit your final research paper to the M5 Assignment 2 LASA Dropbox by Wednesday, October 4, 2017. It should include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction, a literature review, a methodology, and a reference page. Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8–10 pages in length, and properly edited. Please use the following outline: Introduction (2–3 pages) Introduction (including the statement […]

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended.
Why Making Friends is Important Seminar Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together […]

assignment 1: Standards and Tests for Criminal Responsibility Criminal responsibility (insanity) assessments play a significant role in forensic psychological assessment, and information about them is directly relevant to the psycholegal assessment questions on the comprehensive exam. Tasks: Using resources from the professional literature, research legal standards and assessment tools used with the criminally insane population. […]

Assignment: Library Research: Applying Theory to Violent Victimization As usual, 24-year-old Carla left her apartment around 10:00 p.m. to jog to her boyfriend Casey’s apartment two miles away. She planned to spend the night with him and jog back home the next morning. Carla lived in a fairly safe neighborhood in Centervale, but Casey […]