Assignment 1: Mood Disorders and Life Stages Click to download transcript Review the two cases. Based on the information you learned from your assigned weekly readings from your textbook, respond to the following: Which of the persons may be more prone to a mood disorder? Apply the most current DSM criteria. What else would you […]

In this milestone, you will work from the topic, applied setting, and research questions you identified in Module Two and start identifying relevant research to support your final proposal. Two major aspects of your final project include selecting foundational theories relevant to your topic and suggesting potential strategies or techniques that may alleviate a problem […]

MY PHASE 3 DISCUSSION BELOW THE ASSIGNMENT, THIS ASSIGNMENT REFERS TO THAT TREATMENT METHOD You are now in the fourth session with the Robertson family. Dan, Marie, and Peter have all recognized how they contribute to the family problems. Using the treatment method you chose for this family in your Phase 3 Discussion Board, describe the following in […]

purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to select a topic in the particular area in which you have an occupational or research interest, and to locate a minimum of ten scholarly references. A helpful Web site for organizing and writing a literature review is www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html. You may also want to review […]

Hello class, please select ONE of the four options below. Utilitarianism 1. 1.Early in the text Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill (2014) says that that utilitarianism is based on a “theory of life” that some have called “a doctrine worthy only of swine.” What is this “theory of life,” and how does he draw upon it […]

Throughout this unit, you have learned that certain links exist between emotions, motivation, and stress. In fact, if one does not handle his or her stress effectively, numerous health issues could arise. For this assignment, you are to compose a two-page reflection paper in which you examine a current or former stressful event in your […]