The Annotated Bibliography needs to be directly linked and clearly connected to one of the topics listed below. These three topics should be viewed from the perspective of: How is this related to personality? Each topic (article selected) must be clearly connected to personality. Nature versus Nurture View of Self Motivation […]

CHOOSE AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING and answer in 100-200 words total. Post your initial response by 11:59pm on Thursday, and then respond to at least two classmates by Sunday at 11:59pm. 1. How does music serve you? In what ways do you enjoy the art of music? Do you play an instrument or sing? […]

The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as well as class stratification remain serious social problems. To conclude this course, you will use the news media to discover current social issues with regards to […]

Human Services Models There are many different types of human services providers and agencies serving clients. An understanding of the different theoretical models to these services will make you familiar with how clients are served in various agency settings, to prepare you for what you might encounter in nonprofit agencies. In this assignment, you will […]

Directions: Conduct an interview with an employee (preferably a supervisor or manager) at your current job or a previous job. If you have no prior work experience, you may interview a family member or friend who is currently employed. You have just been promoted to the manager of your department and have been asked to […]