PSY381 Module 2 Assignment 1: Interview Preparation and Discussion Refer to the Course Project Overview in the left navigation area. Per the Course Project, you have selected a mental disorder to work on for your course project. As part of your course project, you will conduct field research on the practice related to your selected disorder. In […]

Choose ONE of the following options to complete and submit: Option 1 – Identify the P.O.W.E.R. plan of decision making. When assessing alternatives, what are the 3 steps in considering each alternative? Review the “Weighing Career Possibilities” for the “Career Connections” (Chapter 10) and indicate one possible career choice and a few ways that choice […]

Book: LeFrançois, G. (2011). Psychology for teaching (11th ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. I need this done by Friday 9/23/16 9:30 pacific time If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. Thank you! Assessment Shifts As future educators, it is important that the assessments you create for your […]

Before you can begin to write a literature review, you must spend a substantial amount of time reviewing the literature to locate the articles that are both relevant to the topic of the review and possess valid and reliable results. In this assignment, you will review and shortlist articles for the final literature review that […]

Choose a movie that you have not previously seen from the following list: Mi Familia, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I Am Sam, or Amistad. Watch the movie with this question in mind: What do people say and do that communicates in ways different from the way I do? Write an essay of 250-500 words that answers the question […]

Assignment 2: Ethics Review In this assignment, you will explore professional counseling ethical codes. You will examine multiple codes of ethics to assist in practicing CMHC in an ethical manner. You will also familiarize yourself with the sections of the codes that govern your responsibilities as a counseling student. Tasks: Compare and contrast the ACA’s, […]